Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Final Blog

Well, i suppose this is it then. The last entry that i will leave you guys. What should i write about? There are so many topics that are interesting to me, i wouldnt necessarily describe my fascination with these subjects as passionate. However, one subject i am very passionate about is medicine, mainly because i want to go to medical school and eventually become a doctor after i graduate from college. But medicine is too broad of a topic to cover, and as such i'll look specifically at medicine in third-world countries.
In places like Haiti, medical supplies are very hard to come by and are quite expensive because of it. Medicines like antibiotics, that american's hardly ever finish the full cycle of, are worth more than gold in these third world countries. This unfortunate fact has cost many lives after natural disasters, lives that would be saved in a country like the good old US of A. Complications from a simple cut in haiti can become life threatening, unlike here in america where we simply go to the doctors office and get a prescription for penicillin or tetracycline or a plethora of other drugs that we take for granted.
However, many people choose to help. Last year for spring break i was scheduled to head to Haiti with the haiti endowment fund, a group of medical professionals that bring much needed medical supplies and expertise into a third-world country. Unfortunately, because of the earthquake i was not able to go because of the dangerous conditions. I felt that those reasons should be why i was going, because if it is dangerous for me to visit, it must be unimaginably worse to actually be stuck there.
In addition to charities, drug companies often times will give drugs that are particularly effective against specific viruses or infections free of charge. These not only help the companies with good press but also help to save hundreds of thousands of lives each year.
Medicine is an important aspect of life, but unfortunately is not available to everyone. One day, i hope it is that way.

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